Five years ago, a group of creative minds were in search of a unique way to celebrate Texas Independence Day. After much contemplation, they decided to...
As the new school year dawns upon us, officials at Arlington Independent School District, known as AISD, are eager to promote their pre-kindergarten program as an...
The North Texas real estate market has seen a significant increase in population and economic activity in recent years, leading to escalating real estate values and...
Over the weekend, a team of dedicated disaster relief volunteers from Texas Baptist Men sprang into action after a devastating tornado swept through Little Rock, Arkansas....
The debate about wind turbines has been a topic of interest in the US, and long before a Chinese spy balloon created tension among Americans, Kyle...
Texas lawmakers are currently embroiled in a heated debate over a wide range of proposals, including arming educators, implementing school voucher-like programs, and providing raises for...
Utah – The average cost for a gallon of gas in the U.S. is below $4 a gallon. Gas hit an average of $3.99 a gallon...