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Utah Hockey Club fandom forces allegiance change for Orem restaurant owner



Orem, Utah – Bam Bams BBQ in Orem has been a beloved hangout for certain types of NHL fans for a solid ten years. Nevertheless, since the Utah Hockey Club began play in its inaugural season, a significant shift has occurred.

“Bam Bam, I got my whole nickname from Bam Bam Cam Neely,” said the restaurant’s proprietor, Cameron Treu. Yes, even the name includes hockey. Most people mistakenly believe it to be the Flintstones, but that’s not the case. are renowned members of the Boston Bruins.

It would be an understatement to say that Treu loves hockey; his office is crammed with memorabilia.

Initially, a supporter of the Kings upon Gretzky’s arrival in Los Angeles, Treu switched to the Blackhawks upon moving to Chicago in 2002.

“I started going to practice in the afternoon because you could go to a game for twenty bucks, and once you have that connection with the team again, it’s pretty hard not to follow them,” he added.

Treu was loyal to the Blackhawks for twenty-one years. However, everything changed when word spread that Utah would host an NHL franchise. He even posted on social media the moment the Blackhawks banner that had been up on the restaurant’s dining room wall for ten years was taken down.

Treu recalled a few individuals who expressed, “Oh, man, this hurts me, this hurts me to see.” “Look, I’m not discarding the flag; it’s back in my office, but it needs to go,” I said.

“We are now an establishment of the Utah Hockey Club.”

Considering that Cameron has already fed the Utah Hockey Club, it’s difficult to argue with that. A few weeks ago, after the club’s last preseason game, he gave his barbecue to the team, and he wouldn’t mind doing it again.

He said, “Yeah, that would be great, the official bar-b-que of the Utah Hockey Club. I would definitely take that title.” “We can talk, but I’m sure I’d have to pay for it,”

Speaking about shifting allegiance to a team, Cameron states that he only had one team he was supporting for the Utah Hockey Club’s season opener versus the Blackhawks.

“I mean, having a team in Utah, done,” he declared. “Even on the days they don’t play us, I still support the Blackhawks because I adore them. We have an NHL team, which is absurd.



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