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Beaver caused a power outage that turned off the lights for nearly 1,000 residents in Logan



Logan, Utah — The reason for a power outage that turned off the lights for nearly 1,000 residents in the area Sunday afternoon in Logan, finally found.

A beaver, located between the Boulevard and Canyon Road, dropped a large tree that landed on the power lines, the letter reads.

A safety officer said the power went out because of a certain semi-aquatic rodent.

Luckily, crews were dispatched and were able to fix the issue that impacted about 980 customers within an hour.

On Monday crews determined the cause of the outage and cut some trees to clean up the area.

In addition to cleaning up the trees, the Human Resource Director for the City of Logan, Ambrie Darley, and her spouse got to work to try and catch the culprit.

She was able to capture the beaver by Tuesday morning.

According to city officials, the beaver was relocated “to a much more suitable place for making a home.”

” It’s wonderful to see departments working together and to see city employees taking on different duties to ensure that Logan stays a wonderful place to live,” the letter concludes.


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