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As Election Day draws near, the Better Business Bureau issues a warning about the dangers of scams



Salt Lake City, Utah – Next Tuesday is election day, and as a result, some people are getting unsolicited calls or texts from political campaigns. Voters are being cautioned by the Better Business Bureau that fraudsters are using the impending national event.

A Better Business Bureau Mountain West spokesman, Melani Fox, described political messages, emails, and phone calls as such.

The BBB is cautioning consumers about possible dangers.

“Yeah, I believe we’re all receiving them at the moment,” spam receiver Miranda Chimzar stated.

According to the BBB, the number of spam communications that potentially result in scams is increasing along with the nation’s emotions leading up to election day.

“Our candidates are traveling the nation to campaign. Scammers sometimes prefer to take advantage of people’s excitement and anxiety because they know that people are more alert during the moment, Fox added.

There have been far too many unsolicited texts, according to Chimzar.

“I’ve seen a huge increase in spam texts over the last couple of months, mostly of a political nature, kind of on both sides of the fence,” she added.

The BBB advises against answering strange calls, clicking on dubious websites, or providing personal information in unsolicited messages. Voters who cast their ballots early could be the focus of specific messaging, according to a bureau representative.

“As election day approaches, we are encouraging Utahns to cast their ballots early and, if you are doing so, be on the lookout for scams like the ‘text your vote’ scam or the register by phone scam,” Fox said.

The BBB advises anyone who are getting spam to keep reporting any unsolicited invoices.

Every time I report them as rubbish, I get the impression that they’re not functioning. Chimzar stated, “I’m reporting them as junk that I don’t want to be receiving and I would like them to decrease, regardless of which political side they fall on.”

Devices can also download filter programs to help reduce the amount of spam.




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